Stainless steel sinks & accessories
angle valve for scouring pipe
Detailsbowls for boats and caravans
Detailscap nut for scouring pipe
Detailscheck valve
Detailscold water tap
Detailscold water tap with copper tube
Detailscold water tap with flexible tube
Detailscold water tap with threaded connection 1/2"
Detailscrown cap handles
Detailscrown cap handles with screw
Detailsdrain valve with overflow pipe
Detailsdrain valve, brass chrome plated
Detailsdrain valve, stainless steel/plastic
Detailsflexible pipe
Detailsoutflow tap "U" 200 mm
Detailsoutflow tap low
Detailsoval bowls
Detailsoverflow pipe
Detailsround bowls
Detailsscouring pipe stainless steel
Detailssemispherical bowls
Detailssingle hole mixer 2 pipes
Detailssingle hole mixer 3 pipes
Detailssingle hole mixer copper plated
Detailssingle hole mixer gold plated
Detailssit on sink stainless steel
Detailssit on sink stainless steel with GN-dimesnsions
Detailsstraight way valve for scouring pipe